b'C O N S U LT I N GHappy workers will be morebenefits to Ross and WDI.Our work is bringing a SMALL INVESTMENT,productive workers, and moreThe collaboration is anotherunique understanding of productive workers contributeoffering for Rosss action-basedworker well-being, backed BIG CHANGES positively to the bottom line. Itlearning student teams, as wellby rigorous data and impact sounds like common sense, butas a new consulting strengthevaluation methodology, to the New Labor Practices groupproving this with hard data hasfor WDI and its partners. discussion, Adhvaryu said.explores the value in workerbeen elusive to say the least.Adhvaryu, along with thePaul Clyde, WDI president well-being Achyuta Adhvaryu, Associateteam at GBL, is testingand Michigan Ross professor, Professor of Businessinnovative workplace policiesbelieves collaboration will pave Economics and Publicvia large-scale randomizedthe way for more opportunities Policy at the Ross School ofcontrol trials in real businessfor Ross students to work Business at the University ofenvironments, to quantify thetogether with WDI and GBL.Michigan, and his work withimpact of employee-oriented Good Business Lab (GBL) areinvestments. The organizationThe work that Ach is doing proving the hypothesis thatis currently at work on 14examines what holds people small improvements in workerongoing projects in India andback from growing their happiness yield positive returns. three in Latin America. GBLsincome and improving their work has focused primarily onwell-being, said Clyde. Ach In 2020, WDI established a newfour areas: a holistic view ofand his team have developed Labor Practices consultingphysical and mental health;programs that use randomized group, in partnership withskills training programs; workercontrolled trials to show that Adhvaryu and GBL. Thevoice; and hiring and selection.improving worker well-being continued research potentialThis work has shown that evencan and does positively impact and the practical applicationssmall investments in workersemployers in ways that can of Adhvaryus work andhappiness and well-being canaffect the bottom line.GBL will continue to bringhave a significant impact.Often workers dont communicate grievances due to fear of repercussions. We conducted three trials in which we provided workers with the right kind of voice and a solution that was easy to access.Achyuta Adhvaryu, Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at the Ross School of BusinessTHE WILLIAM DAVIDSON INSTITUTE 11'