Druk Holdings & Investments (DHI), estalbished by Royal Charter by the King of Bhutan, holds and manages commercial companies of the government, makes new investments, raises funds, and promotes private sector development. Student intern Jamison McLaughlin designed a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy for DHI and used the principles of Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness measurement to shape the policy. McLaughlin’s goal was to develop a framework that could be used by private companies in Bhutan to form their own CSR policies.
Druk Holdings & Investments (DHI), estalbished by Royal Charter by the Kind of Bhutan, holds and manages commercial companies of the government, makes new investments, raises funds, and promotes private sector development. Student intern Yannick Wood conducted a comparative study of Bhutan’s existing company law with those in other select countries in the region. He also researched the tax laws of Bhutan and made recommendations for revisions.
Druk Holding & Investments (DHI), established by Royal Charter by the King of Bhutan, holds and manages commercial companies of the government, makes new investments, raises funds and promotes private sector development. Ross School student intern Jofresh Labiano did an analysis to see if DHI could leverage any potential synergies from its portfolio of companies to control operational costs. She also did a trend analysis of major costs across seven DHI companies. Labiano identified controllable costs and made recommendations for cost controls and savings.