Endeavor Indonesia

Endeavor is leading the global movement to catalyze long term economic growth by selecting, mentoring, and accelerating the best high-impact entrepreneurs around the world. Endeavor helps these entrepreneurs unleash their potential by providing an unrivaled network of seasoned business leaders who provide the key ingredients to entrepreneurial success – mentorship, networks, strategic advice, and inspiration. Student intern Muriel Makarim identified the first batch of Endeavor Entrepreneurs from Indonesia and helped them create a business plan. She also developed and grew a network of Indonesian stakeholders.

Grameen Foundation helps the world’s poor, especially women, improve their lives and escape poverty by helping to provide access to appropriate financial services (i.e., small loans and savings accounts), new ways to generate income, and important information about their health, crops, and finances. Student intern Maharshi Vaishnav devised a go-to-market strategy for the Indonesian market so Grameen’s AppLab could deploy its mobile solutions more broadly in the country. In addition, he worked with a set of Grameen Foundation’s partner companies focused on agricultural value chains.

Global Entrepreneurship Program Indonesia (GEPI) aims to catalyze Indonesia’s entrepreneurship strategies by working in partnership with existing programs and linking aspiring Indonesian entrepreneurs to global developments and investment prospects. Ross student intern Mesbah Ahmad assisted in developing the business model for an incubator in Indonesia. He also worked on an investment program to catalyze funding for up to five social enterprises focused on sustainability and social impact. Ahmad also conducted due dilligence on several social enterprises.

Philips Ultrasound is a business unit of the Philips Healthcare sector and has produced and marketed a low cost ultrasound product for the Base of the Pyramid market. The student MAP team developed a business model for distributing the product and for training/educating midwives or community health workers.

CARE Bangladesh looks to achieve lasting impact at broad scale on underlying causes of poverty and social injustice. The student MAP team drafted a business plan and a set of recommendations for scaling CARE Bangladesh’s workforce training and empowerment model to local female garment workers. In 2009, a student MAP team worked with CARE to explore the feasibility of applying a base of the pyramid distribution model for clean energy in Uganda.

The goal of GE Healthcare’s Rural Health Initiative is to provide low-cost, appropriate diagnostic technology in rural areas of developing countries to improve clinical efficacy and tangibly improve public health outcomes. The student team assessed the entrepreneurial models already in practice with GE Healthcare’s Bangladesh and Indonesian partners, explored the potential for transference of lessons learned from other business models that could fund and scale these rural health entrepreneurship models. In 2010, a student MAP team collaborated with GE Healthcare in India and Bangladesh to propose a variety of recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the design, implementation, and outcomes of the piloting process for the Rural Health Initiative.

Abt Associates is one of the largest, for-profit government and business research and consulting firms in the world. Among its flagship projects is the USAID-funded Point-of-Use Water Disinfection and Zinc Treatment (POUZN) project which focuses on reducing the incidence and severity of diarrheal disease in developing countries. The student MAP team helped develop a commercially-viable, Base of the Pyramid strategy for Aquatabs, a water purification tablet. Specifically, the team developed a market assessment report, marketing strategy, and financial plan.

The goal of the project was to evaluate markets and look for ways to foster public-private partnerships with Base of the Pyramid (BoP) enterprises. Another goal was to develop a blueprint for a new asset class of private equity funds considering BoP enterprises and investments in Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Pakistan and the Philippines.

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