London Speaks At G20 Event In Turkey
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
WDI Senior Fellow Ted London delivered a keynote address on April 8 at the G20-B20 Workshop on Inclusive Business in Ankara, Turkey. The workshop precedes the April 9-10 G20 Development Working Group (DWG) meeting, also in Ankara.

London spoke to attendees from government, business, international organizations, and civil society groups about his thoughts on “The Status of Inclusive Business and Challenges for Scaling Up.”
The goal of the workshop was to create a common framework and policy environment for inclusive business (IB) based on existing case studies of IB models in the private sector and on previous IB policy recommendations for governments and donors. The workshop built upon the G20’s extensive previous IB-related work and the knowledge generated within the IB field to-date in order to address how the policy environment related to IB can advance the opportunities for private sector companies to further reach the poor.
The Group of Twenty (G20) is the premier forum for its members’ international economic cooperation and decision-making. It comprises 19 countries plus the European Union. G20 leaders meet annually.
The Business 20 or B20 is an outreach group of the G20 which represents the international business community. Bringing together business leaders from across the globe, the B20 reflects the private sector’s role as the driver of strong, sustainable, and balanced economic growth.