
U-M Regents OK Renovations Of WDI Offices

Friday, February 26, 2016

The University of Michigan Regents at its February meeting approved the $5.1 million renovation of Sam Wyly Hall, which houses the offices of WDI.

Bill Davidson, second from left, takes part in a groundbreaking ceremony for Wyly Hall. Also pictured, from left: former Business School Dean Joe White, Sam Wyly, and U-M President Lee Bollinger.

Since July 2014, WDI has been temporarily housed off campus at Domino’s Farms during construction at the Ross School of Business complex, which includes Wyly Hall. The renovation of Wyly Hall, built in 1999, is scheduled to be completed by fall 2017. WDI, with generous support from the William Davidson Foundation, and Ross are financing the renovations.WylyLobbyRendering

The 10,400-square foot first floor offices of WDI will be reconfigured and refurbished to create contemporary and efficient office space for the current staff and some limited additional growth. Also included in the renovation plan is improving the second floor classrooms used by the Ross Executive Education programs.

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