WDI Intern Looks Back At Time In Bangladesh
Monday, July 13, 2015
Surabhi Rajaram, a WDI intern working in Bangladesh this summer for CARE, recently wrote a blog entry looking back on her two months in a very remote area of that country.
Rajaram, a graduate student in the School of Public Health, used a “by the numbers” format to write about the things she learned on her internship, which built on work of existing CARE projects that address critical gaps in skilled human resources by developing private community health care providers. She spent the first two months of her internship in the Sunamganj region. The last month will be spent at CARE headquarters in the capital city of Dhaka.
Rajaram assisted in the design of individual business plans for these pools of local health workers. She facilitated implementation of an inclusive business model that holds the potential to address those gaps and improve rural health care systems in a sustainable, replicable and scalable manner. She also worked closely with both Health and Private Sector Engagement (PSE) units of CARE Bangladesh.
Read her blog entry here.
She is one of 13 WDI summer interns contributing to a blog.
Read the entire blog here.