WDI’s GlobaLens At AOM Annual Meeting
Monday, August 4, 2014
GlobaLens, WDI’s case publishing division, exhibited at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) in Philadelphia. This was the third consecutive year GlobaLens has exhibited at this global event for academics and scholars.

Last year’s AOM event in Orlando attracted more than 8,000 attendees and the same number was predicted for the event in Philadelphia.
“The contacts we make with AOM members at this event are invaluable because they are all potential GlobaLens customers,” said Sandra Draheim, WDI marketing manager. “And, for a 3-4 day period, they are all in one place and we are able to show them our teaching materials and discuss how they fit into the courses they are teaching. We are very pleased to support AOM by exhibiting at its annual meeting, and it remains a key part of our overall marketing strategy.”
This is the second big conference GlobaLens has participated in this summer.
In June, GlobaLens exhibited at the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB) in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Draheim coordinated the GlobaLens exhibit booth logistics and was on-site for the duration of the meeting. All exhibitors were located in the Grand Ballroom of the Westin Bayshore Vancouver, where all meeting sessions were held.
More than 1,100 international business school faculty attended the event.
“This event provided us with a great opportunity to speak directly with current and potential customers for GlobaLens cases,” Draheim said. “The AIB members are particularly interested in our international business materials, as well as our collection of Social Impact cases, so I featured several examples within our exhibit booth.
“It was gratifying for me that nearly all faculty I spoke with had already heard of GlobaLens Case Publishing, and many had already adopted some of our cases.”
AIB was established in 1959, and currently has about 3,500 members in more than 85 countries. Members are scholars from leading global academic institutions specializing in international business and trade, as well as some consultants, researchers, and NGO representatives. The organization is currently based at Michigan State University in East Lansing.