
Maurice Girgis, Ph.D.

Since 1994, Maurice Girgis has been working as an independent consultant to governments, organizations and higher education institutions including USAID, The World Bank, UNIDO, UNICEF, the OPEC Fund for Development, Kuwait University, the Council on Foreign Relations, GCC Secretariat, and the nations of Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman, Jordan, Qatar, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and Rwanda, among others. An economist with a PhD from Indiana University, his specialties include labor market reform, trade liberalization, private sector development, investment roadmap, capacity building of government institutions and special economic zones. Dr. Girgis has authored and co-authored numerous publications and books on Middle Eastern economies including Science and Technology Policy in Kuwait, Prospects of Industrial Development in Small Oil-Exporting Companies,and Industrialization and Trade Patterns in Egypt. Dr. Girgis has presented at more than 100 national, regional and international conferences in the areas of trade, labor economics, private sector development, macroeconomic reform and special economic zones.

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