
Naresh T. Gunaratnam

Naresh T. Gunaratnam

Naresh T. Gunaratnam is a board certified gastroenterologist and President of Grace Care Center (GCC). GCC is an orphanage for girls and an elder care center based in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.

Gunaratnam has been involved in research and implementation of models focused on diabetes care for the local population in Sri Lanka. He is working with WDI and Center for Diabetes Endocrinology and Cardio Metabolism, the only standalone diabetes Care Clinic (DCC) in Sri Lanka, to develop a network of satellite DCCs in towns and cities across the country. Gunaratnam’s engagement with the University of Michigan Medical School involves developing a curriculum for diabetes assistants (DAs), with the end goal of training and providing certification to the girls from GCC to work as DAs. He has jointly published findings from his work with the business and medical school in leading journals.


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