Pavan Kittagaly
Pavan Anilkumar Kittagaly (MBA ‘24) is a healthcare professional pursuing a dual Master’s degree in Business Administration and Health Informatics at the University of Michigan. He holds a Bachelor of Medicine, and Bachelor of Surgery (2018), from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, India. Kittagaly’s clinical experience and passion for healthcare transformation inspired him to pivot to healthcare consulting, which was fueled by his experience as a consultant on a nationally recognized project with the Government of India in the Himalayan hinterlands. Kittagaly’s passion for healthcare transformation led him to participate in a William Davidson Institute (WDI) project in Poovanthi, India, where he developed commercialization strategies for the University of Michigan’s rehabilitation projects, with the goal of significantly increasing these projects’ market success in India, and other LMICs. Kittagaly’s short-term goal after graduation is to work as an internal consultant for healthcare provider networks, with an emphasis on healthcare transformation and innovation. His long-term ambition is to transition to public health organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), after gaining experience in large healthcare systems and enterprises across the globe.