
Thomas Nastas

Tom Nastas is the founder of Innovative Ventures Inc (IVI) with funds in the US, Canada, Europe, Africa & Russia, with total capitalization of $750M An entrepreneur himself, Tom led IVI’s entry from Michigan into these countries, established relationships, accessed markets, and raised the capital to execute these funds. Tom is a member of the Board of Directors of the Kazakhstan Technology Project; Suntyco, a joint venture of Tata Group & the EBRD; and Zelenograd Nanocenter, an investment of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnology. Tom is also an advisor to institutions in solutions to ‘Scale Up Innovation, Venture Capital & Entrepreneurship.’ The institutions include the World Bank and the governments of Kenya, Uganda, Kazakhstan, Russia, Latvia, Slovakia and Croatia. His writing about ‘Scaling Up’ appeared in Development Outreach, a publication of the World Bank Institute; the Russian, Latin American & Hungarian editions of the Harvard Business Review; and the Asian, Canadian, European and US Venture Capital Journals.

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