Programs & Projects

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Initiative (Rwanda)

January 2008 - August 2015


WDI managed the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Entrepreneur Certificate Program in Rwanda, equipping 330 women entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills needed to expand their enterprises. In cooperation with the School of Finance & Banking in Kigali, the program was offered 12 times from 2008 to 2015. During the six-month certificate program, participants created a detailed, actionable business plan. Sessions included: business planning, marketing, finance, accounting, and management. The program concluded with a business plan competition. Graduates were eligible for wraparound services and attended annual reunions.


Here are mini-documentaries featuring five of the program graduates.

Aimee Claudine: Aimee lost her entire family at the age of five in the genocide. She was adopted by a soldier and later joined E.T.O.-Muhima Technical School and acquired skills she used to start metal welding and repair business. She was a business plan award winner for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Entrepreneurship Certificate Program. Hear Aimee’s story here.
Marceline Ikigenye: At 17, Marceline lost most of her family during the genocide. On her return from a refugee camp in 2009, she vowed to make the land left by her parents prosperous. She is married with three children. She owns poultry for both eggs and meat, and she keeps pigs and goats. During the training program, she learned about tracking sales revenue and was able to expand her business network. Since graduating, she has seen a remarkable growth in sales as well as increased profits. Hear Marceline’s story here.
Rosalie Mukangenzi: A widow with two children, Rosalie struggled to feed and educate her children. To support her family, she opened Moriya Maize Mill. She started the business in 2009, and it has been growing steadily. She was a business plan award winner for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Entrepreneurship Certificate Program. Hear Rosalie’s story here.
Marie Claire Uwamahoro: Marie Claire is married with seven children. She started her farm in 2007 with one cow. In addition to keeping cows, Marie Claire has won a tender to supply breakfast, lunch and dinner to a school with 815 students. Some products provided are from her farm, such as milk, fruits, and vegetables. To improve her farms’ milk production, she has reduced the number of cows and purchased better breeds. Hear Marie Claire’s story here.
Jacqueline Kabaharira: Jacqueline is married with five children. She opened her tailoring business in 2005 with one sewing machine. She graduated from the program in 2011 and was a business plan award winner. Since this video was created, Jacqueline started specializing in products for hotels and office and won a national handicraft competition organized by the Rwanda Ministry of Industry and Commerce. She was awarded “Best in Competition” and was given a space in the Ikaze showroom for Rwandan handicraft products. Hear Jacqueline’s story here.
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