Programs & Projects

Incorporating Small Producers into Formal Retail Supply Chains

December 12, 2015 - September 30, 2016


During the past decade Walmart has opened up several channels for distributing products sourced from small producer enterprises in its stores and on its digital platforms. The overall purpose of the project is to present both the challenges and success factors involved when integrating small producers and enterprises, particularly artisans and small holder farmers, into the organized retail supply chain. The intention will be to help other businesses and organizations who wish to engage in such programs, and to show where the involvement of governments, NGOs, and other industry sectors is essential to achieving desired outcomes. The illustrations will include specific examples from Empowering Women Together and  Walmart’s local food sourcing programs, both of which undertake to integrate small businesses and producers and women-owned enterprises into the supply chain. The project will result in both a policy brief aimed at the retail sector, and a teaching case that facilitates better understanding of the challenges and success factors in integrating small producers at the base of the pyramid into formal retail supply chains.

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