Programs & Projects

Science, Technology, Research and Innovation for Development (STRIDE)

July 2013 - July 2017



The objective of the five-year STRIDE project was to strengthen the science, technology, research and innovation capacity in the Philippines, with a focus on higher education and disciplines that contribute to high-growth economic sectors as a means of accelerating economic growth.

Read the STRIDE Final Report here.

Contributing to STRIDE’s objectives WDI focused on providing:

  1. Technical support for university career centers to effectively engage with industry and place students in the workforce
  2. Academic support for Philippine university faculty to engage industry by writing and teaching case studies.

During the four years of the STRIDE project, the WDI Publishing and Education teams worked with Philippine faculty to publish 94 case studies on a variety of topics, including entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, and education. WDI also conducted a case teaching workshop for 33 Philippine faculty who then returned to their schools and have trained more than 500 of their colleagues to teach using the case method. The STRIDE cases will continue to be available to Philippine faculty in the STRIDE Case Study Collection and have also been used in Singapore, the Netherlands, and the United States.

As a part of WDI’s work under the STRIDE project, Prof. Noel Tarrazona attended WDI’s Case Writing and Case Teaching workshops and now regularly uses the case study he wrote in his Management course at Western Mindanao State University. Case studies are a groundbreaking new teaching method in the Philippines and are having a tremendous impact on students. This video shows the reaction of students in Prof. Tarrazona’s class to using case studies for the first time.

As a result of WDI’s career center work under STRIDE, our three partner career centers are now setting the standard in the Philippines for student career readiness, alumni engagement, and academe-industry relations. Between them these three centers serve more than 60,000 students and are well-equipped to prepare these young people for future careers in the rapidly expanding Philippine economy.

The STRIDE project has been incredibly successful, these stories document some of the many positive outcomes of the project.

STRIDE Success Story: Case Studies Strengthen Academe-Industry Cooperation
STRIDE Success Story: Case Studies Catch On in the Philippines
STRIDE Success Story: Professor at the University of the Philippines, Visayas, Takes Leadership Role in Case Study Development
STRIDE Success Story: Case Writer Expands Opportunities Available to Philippine Faculty in Mindanao
STRIDE Success Story: Three Model Career Centers Bridge Industry-Academe Barriers
STRIDE Success Story: Philippine University Expands Connection with Industry through Career Services
STRIDE Success Story: PHINMA University of Iloilo Students Gain Employment Advantage through Career Services
STRIDE Success Story: Career Center Develops Programs and Services for Student Body of 40,000


To read more about the STRIDE project, please see:

In the Philippines, Bridging Career Centers and Employers
Improving Business Education in the Philippines
Developing Filipino Entrepreneurs: Case-by-Case

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