Programs & Projects

Togo Health Supply Chain Improvement Project

January 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017


The objective of this project was to assist the government of Togo in identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks in the public-sector health supply chain. In Togo, this supply chain faces a number of chronic challenges to effective and efficient operations. In order to address these challenges, WDI first performed an assessment of the current operations of the supply chain across a wide range of functions, products, and health system levels.

WDI identified root causes for the last-mile stock out of essential medicines and validated these root causes during a meeting convening 50 high-level local stakeholders. WDI then developed a clear process and strategic framework for designing and implementing activities to address root causes.

This project provided the government of Togo with the evidence and tools needed to make significant improvements to the public-sector health supply chain. Moreover, many aspects of WDI’s engagement – from the use of management consulting-based strategic frameworks to research on capabilities of private pharmaceutical wholesalers – helped to lay a foundation for supply chain improvement activities which are driven by private sector principles and lead to market-oriented solutions.

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