Programs & Projects

A Total Market Approach to the Last Mile: Learning from a Private Sector Wholesaler Landscape Analysis (Malawi)

June 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019


The global reproductive health community is increasingly seeking to engage the private sector in meeting the needs for reproductive health in low-resource regions of the world. Countries such as Malawi in Eastern Africa have a high level of donor dependence and market conditions which inhibit commercial sector development, particularly for serving the more rural and remote areas.

In this project, WDI’s Healthcare team conducted a contraceptives distributor landscape analysis and delivered actionable and stakeholder receptivity-tested concepts for stimulating the private sector provision of family planning products and services in rural, remote and other underserved populations. The landscaping assessment involved field research and in-country discussions with market actors, but also utilized a stakeholder-centric methodology to generate ideas for market building. The results and recommendations are being shared with Malawi country stakeholders, as well as with funders and implementers for potential market building efforts, in Malawi and similar countries.

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